These days, I began to contact with UDUBOY Brian Melick by e-mail.
He kindly visited my homepage and sent me his impressions.
He seems to like Motoske's original udu
I've ordered Brian's CD to Amazon.co.jp. yesterday.
Today is Japanese girl's festival "Hina Matsuri".
They eat colored sugar coated popped rice and drink "amazake"
sweet soft drink made of rice.
I received Brian's CD "Percussive Voices" today.
And now am listening the CD.
Impressions will be here next time.
Today I visited Motoske.
We talked about UDU recording in near future.
We want some medea recording our UDU sound.
It's been a hard days and night.
I've been working like a dog......
The impression will be here a little later.
Motoske has created a quite new udu.
It sounds like a didjelidoo .
See allstars anyway.